Some (More) Thoughts on ObamaCare
There is no Constitutional Right to health care. The federal government continues to overstep the Constitution in the mad rush to control we the people. The only powers the Federal government is constitutionally supposed to have is the Defense of the nation and the regulation of trade between the states. THAT'S IT.
ObamaCare: Oh, the Horror!
Read full story here.That's just the first hurdle for one of several bills, each with fluctuating cost estimates. For the House Democrats' version, the CBO estimate tagged the 10-year cost of the plan at just over $1 trillion.
"On a preliminary basis ... the proposal's provisions affecting health insurance coverage would result in a net increase in federal deficits of $1,042 billion for fiscal years 2010 through 2019," the report said, citing additional expenses for Medicaid and other federal subsidies.
One Democratic aide said the bill would add up to $1.5 trillion over the next decade. But the CBO estimate showed that even if the price tag holds to $1 trillion, more than 80 percent of the costs will hit in the last five years. This indicates that after 2019, taxpayers could be hit with a rising tidal wave of health care expenses resulting from the shift in health care coverage from the private to public sector.
This house was built in 1935. The wiring was added in the early 1950's (and some added as time went by). Vinyl siding and roof updated in the 1990's. Total floor space 1250ft. Heating is three vintage wall heaters and a couple of (newer) space heaters. Cooling is 3 window units (purchased 2009). How much would cost to bring it up to the standards proposed in the Cap & Trade bill?
Obama's Got a Brand New Plan.... NOT!
Sign the petition against Cap & Tax.
$1,000,000,000,000 for ObamaCare. Got that kind of spare change sitting around?
Sign the petition to make Congress accept whatever health plan gets foisted upon the American people.
Or better yet, sign this petition.
Skewing the Demographics
I support the Fair Tax. I support the Tea Parties and the local group the Rainy Day Patriots. I support capitalism.
The government doesn't owe me anything. I don't want anything from the government. I want the government to stay out of my life and out of my pocketbook. I want smaller government.
I don't want OBAMA-CARE. The government can't even run Medicare/Medicaid without it losing money. I don't want this current administration to tax my employer for health insurance (that he pays fully for) to the point where the owner ends up closing because he can't afford to pay these taxes. But that is exactly what this current administration wants to do.
I don't want OBAMA-POWER. For the same reasons. It's hard enough to pay AlPow what they want. It's hard enough to put gas in the Hyundai sedan. But this administration wants to add more taxes.