
Bama Getting Bentley'ed: An Explanation

Dr. Robert Bentley was recently elected governor of the great state of Bama. He was the dark horse Republican candidate that in a fair election (ie: one that the Alabama Education Association/Union/PAC did not dump money into negative campaign ads against the Republican candidate that seriously threatened their power-base in the state) would not have gotten the nomination.

In the end, we had Dr. Dr. Robert "Snowball" Bentley vs Ron "Bubba" Sparks (who likes to spend his weekends with his buddies drinking beer and driving on dirt roads). Alabama ended up with the best governor that education PAC money could buy. Gov. Bentley, a Republican, has managed to put many of the Democrats voted out of office back to work for the state government (in the first month alone!).

So the state got Bentley'ed (and not kissed).