
Discussion With a Liberal Friend

Liberal Friend:
I'm feeling a little Iraqi right now in wanting to throw a shoe at my TV watching these, excuse me, dimwits marching on the Mall in DC with this tea party crap!! Who or what right now is threatening these people's liberties? I want docume...nted proof and links posted showing that HR 3200 covers illegal aliens on health care, because I just clicked on a link of Mark's friend to Mediamatters to see the actual section and it clearly states in the bill that illegal aliens are not to be covered!! Why do folks want to defend their private insurers and HMOs when there are so many stories of denied coverage and battles over preexisting conditions? They put it succintly on Real Time last night that these companies make over 300 billion a year just serving as intermediary between patients and doctors..if a government agency can do it better and save some of that expense and eliminate the obscene for-profit aspect when dealing with peoples' health and lives, then why not let them be the intermediary? Congress holds the purse strings for agencies and we elect/reelect them every 2 to 6 years so THERE'S your accountability!! Who holds the boards and CEOs of these private health insurers accountable? Shareholders who want that profit to keep rolling in!!

Kat the Geekess:
You're drinking the kool-aid again.... Of course there won't be any illegal immigrants covered, he's going to offer them all amnesty. What a voting block 12 million people make.... Chicago Machine at work.

Liberal Friend:
Is there an executive order pending or an HR out there somewhere right now that is going to grant said amnesty or is this heresay? I also heard, and you tea people should be proud, that a pending Supreme Court case may overturn McCain/Feingold provisions that got the soft money out of political campaigns..the right wing is really prostituting the ... Read MoreFirst Amendment thing now..careful as that is a slippery slope toward theocracy and not democracy..the religious right finally figured out how to work around an indifferent and out of power GOP..they are preying on folks' fears again and it is pathetic and shameless but alas very effective, because they know that these particular folks want to be preached to rather than read,think for themselves and form a solid opinion based on facts and not hyperbole!!

Hey bro! I just sent you an invite to Anne Rice's page. She posts there every day and a lot of the discussions are on the health care issues. Both sides of the issue are pretty well represented. You should check it out.

"if a government agency can do it better and save some of that expense"

This explains it all. I don't want the government anywhere near my health benefits. I don't want the same people that have shown the inability to manage anything (post office, Medicare, welfare, etc) to come anywhere near my health coverage.

Bob - if you're willing to give up... Read More this to the government, what are you going to give up next? They're taking over private sector business, and this should be alarming to the American people.

... and I don't want 'em building my CAR either!!!!

Liberal Friend:
You gotta hand it to the post office for getting your letter through the system for 46 cents or so, and the post office uses part timers nowadays and it is a quasi-agency..medicare seems to do well except in not covering enough, so seniors have to get on that C Plus..at least the government is accountable to the people which is more than you can say for some of the less reputable private insurers, but even BCBS can be evil I suppose in some cases..the main issue I have is coverage for wellness and prevention and not cutting people off because it will cost too much..drop the public option IF and only IF the private insurers agree to oversight and regulation like we have over the securities industry..consumer safeguards and guarantees are at the base of the push for a public option and it is not meant to be a slippery slope toward some totalitarian system and loss of freedom..I would worry more about those self-righteous religious zealot vultures taking away your freedoms...

I will not purchase a vehicle made by Government Motors. Same goes for the UAW. They priced themselves out of the market and they can pay the price for it.

Bob, they're saying that Illegals won't be covered by insurance because there will be free clinics built for them. It's the Gubment. Read between the lines :).

Liberal Friend:
A point of agreement..I am not THAT progressive..what they have been paying workers to make US autos that are sitting and rusting in lots nationwide is obscene and a big reason why that said worker is the only one who can afford to make payments on one and buy one..

I buy Nissan because the entire car is assembled in Smyrna, TN. When I buy from them, I put an efficient company to work that pays it's workers good and also puts 30-40 Tennesseans on the assembly line. Ford and Government Motors has their products produced and assembled in Mexico, Brazil, China, Russia, amongst others and then shipped to Detroit for and "American Built" brand. Bullshit. Look under your hoods and find out where your money is going.

Oh, and I felt "a little Iraqi" when Chairman Maobama was inaguarated. Talk about dimwits!

LOL @ Bob! I'd hand the post office nothing but a shutdown notice. Government bureauacracy in it's most shining form. Welfare - encouraging people to do nothing for 70 years. Ask my folks how they like Medicare. Bring a lunch. Be prepared to sit and listen about ineptitude for a long while.

Chairman Maobama! I love it!

Revolution is coming!

Kat the Geekess:
Theocracy? Bob, I have an extremely liberal view of religion.... If you believe in it, you'll have to answer to your actions on this world, not me. I have to answer to my own actions. Do you think I'd be politically conservative if I thought it was a theocracy in the making?

Constitutionally, all the federal government is supposed to do is provide for the common defense and regulate trade between the states. Nothing else. That's why you're seeing people in the street. The federal government is moving further away from the Constitution and it's going too far.

Preach it, Cyn!

Kat the Geekess:
"One plain fact should outweigh all the words of Barack Obama and all the impressive trappings of the setting in which he says them: He tried to rush Congress into passing a massive government takeover of the nation's medical care before the August recess-- for a program that would not take effect until 2013!" --Thomas Sowell

Here's one reason the people are marching in the streets.....

Liberal Friend:
All I will say right now on this li'l Surge keyboard is to look at the video of these protests and see the ethnic makeup of 99 % of the protesters...they have been in an uproar since January but it IS the president's fault for not getting out in front on this issue early and he HAS been rather arrogant about ramming it through so quickly..but he IS the president..now if he would just govern and mediate this mess once and for all!

Kat the Geekess:
Ummm.... yeah. Like I'm going to trust video shot by the liberal media who will show only what supports their viewpoint; that this is a gathering of crazy old white folks who don't like PrezBO because he's a 'black' man.

You need to ramp up your skepticism gland, dude.

The majority of Americans DO NOT WANT THIS! That is the issue, Bobby. The color of the skin has nothing to do with it.

Come on man. You can do better than that.

Kat the Geekess:
The guvment is not the answer to all life's problems/hassles/inequalities. Life is not supposed to be fair.

Tell you what: when all the liberal actors/politicians/union bosses/media people start turning down million dollar salaries and living in 1200SF houses to show solidarity with the worker, then I'll listen to them. Until that moment, they're not worth my time.

Hear Hear!

Great comment, Cyn. The minute these idiot politicians tell us THEY will give up their great coverage and take the same plan they're trying to shove down our throats, I'll listen.

Those hollyweirdos need to shut their stupid mouths. Biggest bunch of dictator loving communists that's ever been assembled.

On a lighter note, any celebrity who speaks out against Obama or Democrats for that matter cannot find work in the town anymore......So some voices that would actually make a difference are squelched out of fear of unemployment.

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