
Liberal Shouting "TeaBagger!" Now Demands Civil Discourse

I couldn't get a screen shot, but I can still copy and paste.

This is a conversation from FaceBook.  All names have been changed to protect the Liberals.  Terry Torial is the same Liberal that was tossing about the terms "TeaBilly" and "TeaBagger" from the screenshots I posted last month.  
Terry Torial:


Peter Pants, I feel your pain because one of my former teachers "unfriended" me for the same reason. In my case it was my American history teacher. Oh, the irony.
Like · · Share · 10:32am (10 hours ago) near  AL ·

    Mark Key and 10 others like this.

    Artie Choke:
What is so sad about this is that this is what political discussion in this country has become. I bet that I hardily agree with 75% of the people that will read this but you have a idea. I will respect your position I just ask that you respect mine. We need a government that listen to different points of view. Current government policy is like Sherman's March to the sea.
    10:38am (10 hours ago) · Like · 3

    Sal Monella:
Little people. Tiny, little people.
    11:47am (9 hours ago) via mobile · Like · 1

    Terry Torial:
Sal, I will respect ANY position based on fact. I will not be a respecter of misinformation or outright lies generated from talk radio hosts or TV preachers. The level of discourse MUST elevate to a level befitting the people we're supposed to be.
    11:51am (9 hours ago) · Like · 9

    Artie Choke:
There is no shortage of misinformation and outright lies on either side of every issue. There is a shortage of defining the problem and consideration of affects of different solutions.
    11:54am (9 hours ago) · Like · 2

    Artie Choke:
More than that how will we ever solve a problem by refusing to talk to each other and calling each other names.
    11:57am (9 hours ago) · Like · 3

    Terry Torial:
Artie, all this mess about the president's birth certificate and the endless drivel about him being a secret "Mooslim" and a "Communist" is beyond the pale. How does the left compare at this very moment in time? I wouldn't put up with those on the left who declared that Bush was behind 9/11, so why is it that it appears to be so hard for the reasonable people on the right to tell the lunatics to go home?
    12:04pm (9 hours ago) · Like · 13

    Dan Delion:
I lost a friend of some 25 years a couple of days ago. The incident occurred over an unsolicited, tasteless cartoon and my  to said cartoon. This was the latest in a long line of separations which have happened over or maybe just during the Obama Presidency. It isn't just the "in your face" junk of FOXNEWS and those who stupidly peddle the mess ... It's that I have changed. I no longer wish to have the seconds of my life occupied by people who live off hate, fear and lies. These three traits are most often found within the conservative, pseudo-religious right of our nation. This is a personal decision for me and it has and will continue to cost me old friendships and even associations with family members ... I miss these people daily and regret that I can no longer carry the weight of their distorted view of reality, but I can't. I see it happening more and more with progressive people who can't have peaceful and productive lives while trying to drag the fearful hatemongers along. I came to the conclusion that "I" could not be happy if I continued to spend my time defending the values and principles of a decent humanity ... This has caused me to become extremely intolerant of the ignorance and stupidity of those on the right. We all make choices. My choice is to discuss an issue to a point and then remove myself from the other person's drama ... The other guy's choice is to educate themselves beyond the drivel on FOXNEWS or find someone else to share in their hate ... Terry, you are very well educated on the issues of our world and you are much more tolerant than I am ... Make a decision without remorse to purge your life of those who diminish your light ... and let it shine. You are a good man.
    12:59pm (8 hours ago) · Like · 4

    Chris P. Bacon:
I agree with you Terry. I respect EDUCATED opinions, but was brought up to have little respect for foolish opinions that are not based on FACTS.
    1:12pm (8 hours ago) via mobile · Edited · Like · 1

    Peter Pants:
I had this same discussion with someone last week about my truth versus his truth and his maintaining that we have free speech so that we can both express our opinions. The first amendment does not give one the right to spread lies that are damaging to another person. That is why the charges of libel and defamation of character are legitimate and, just because you believe something incredibly stupid and without basis of fact, you do not have the right to publicly spread that lie. The often used example of this is yelling fire in a crowded theatre. I am so sick of the obvious lies about death panels in Obamacare and Obama installing microchips under your skin. Now it's that Obama's reason for the ACA is to make doctors quit so he can bring in his friends, Muslim doctors, to further infiltrate the government because Michelle Bachmann already knows that the Muslim Brotherhood is in charge. And there's a new weapon called Brown Note which authorities will use to quell patriotic protests. It sends an infrasound frequency that debilitates protestors by causing them to involuntarily defecate! That one is really full of --it.

    As Alan Lancaster says, civil debate requires educated opinions, not foolish opinions that are not based on facts.
    1:16pm (8 hours ago) via mobile · Like · 5

    Peter Pants:
Before Reagan emptied the mental institutions, those right wing nuts had each other as captive audiences. Now they are given air time like Matt Lauer's interview with the moronic Sarah Palin on this morning's Today show.
    1:24pm (8 hours ago) via mobile · Like · 3

    Chris P. Bacon:
Amen, Peter! It makes me crazy that the 'legitimate' news organizations give these clowns air time. Since when did nuts spouting insanity become HEADLINE news? I'll answer my own question: since the Tea Party came to power.
    2:40pm (6 hours ago) · Like · 1

    Arty Ficial:
I had to unfriend one of my friends because she stated that ALL Republicans are evil & are going to hell, among MANY other things she said against Republicans. When I responded that I was a Republican & did she think what she said applied to me, she said yes. Terry, you know I VERY rarely bring up politics much less force them down someone else's throat, what she said was unacceptable & had I said it on MY FB page...OH H!@#, WATCH OUT! I don't like it when EVERYONE is lumped into one category....It simply is not applicable to 'everyone or no one'.
    2:50pm (6 hours ago) · Like · 2

    Terry Torial:
I know that about you, Arty, and I love and appreciate you very much. Your views seem to me fairly mainstream and reasonable, but voices like yours are drown out by the lunatics at the moment. If I thought you were some sort of gay-hating, racist, nationalist, kook, you wouldn't be on my friend list.
    2:57pm (6 hours ago) · Like · 2

    Frank Furter:
A few weeks ago I commented about people bEing judgemental and intolerant etc you would have thought I was personally destroying this country. .I'm so tired of the name calling mud slinging and all the other stuff I respect others opinion but some of the stuff people come up with its unreal and the hatred its in politics sports religion you name it. It makes me sad and so worried for the future
    3:15pm (6 hours ago) via mobile · Like · 2

    Terry Torial:
I agree. I can disagree with reasonable people and still hold them in high regard, but when the crazy kicks in I'm finished. What is the point?
    3:19pm (6 hours ago) ·

    Lou Tenant:
Terry, who is this teacher...so we can all bombard him with liberal stuff LOL...he is clearly in need of a lot of mental health care
    3:19pm (6 hours ago) ·

    Anna Mull:
I think of my Facebook as I do of my dining table or living room...I would not include anyone or say anything here that I would not say face-to-face there.
    3:21pm (6 hours ago) · Like · 3

    Arty Ficial:
Same here. I may not like everything that I read on FB, but I certainly do have a choice in the matter. But I still get SO mad when people are lumped together! "All politicians are crooked!" Well, my dad was a Judge & he was forced into politics when he decided to run for office. You can talk to ANY lawyer or Judge or staff that worked with my father & they'll tell you how honest & fair he was & "You could always expect a fair trial under him." Then there all the different ways you can tear down teachers..." "Teacher's are lazy, they have all those vacation days, they, they, they went into it for the money, etc..." Well, I'm a teacher & I love every child that came my way & I worked my butt off, & let me tell ya, the pay ain't all that great! Every teacher I worked with were the same way. And "Yes, I'm a Republican." But that doesn't mean I'm evil &/or going to hell, neither do I think that of Democrats. So sorry, I'll step off my soapbox now! Love ya!
    3:24pm (6 hours ago) · Like · 3

    Terry Torial:
I love you too, Arty Ficial, and I'm the same way, Anna Mull.
    3:27pm (5 hours ago) ·

    Mary Christmas:
Extremism should not be confused with "Republican values". My dad and stepmom are Republicans. They quickly distanced themselves from the Tea Party here in Arizona. Many Republicans have done so. You just don't hear about them because the Tea Party is making so much noise -- well-funded noise. People are confused as to why John McCain is still popular and why Jan Brewer has taken several moderate positions lately. It is because the Tea Party has lost their credibility. Most of the Republicans I know are talking about term limits and publicly funded elections these days. You don't see that on the news. They were promised that the bunch elected in the last midterm would do something about career politicians and Washington gridlock. Instead, they were served up something much worse than before the Tea Party came on the scene. It won't fly in 2014.
    3:49pm (5 hours ago) · Like · 4

    Tara Misu:
There's plenty of crazy to go around !! Don't believe everything you see or hear from either side ..... Be skeptical ..... They all make their living off us !!
    4:37pm (4 hours ago) via mobile · Like · 2

    Peter Pants:
I have had Republican friends all my life and, although I am a lifelong Democrat, never had ugly discussions with them until the last few years. Now a civil discussion is impossible, it degenerates into exchanging insults. One of the best friends of my lifetime was a Republican before it was popular to be one in Alabama. He owned a small grocery market and, during a particularly rough patch in my life, let me charge my groceries and pay him monthly. When my circumstances improved and a super market opened in town, I still continued to be his customer because I was so grateful to him for helping me when women were not allowed to have credit cards in their names. I thought it was a terrible miscarriage of justice when he died just before the first Republican in more than 100 years was elected as governor of Alabama. But for me, it is more than personalities but the platforms and policies of the candidate's political party because even if a moderate Republican is elected, he soon becomes the poster child for the most conservative social legislation of the party.
    4:48pm (4 hours ago) via mobile · Like · 5

    Mary Christmas:
I don't know if it is there is an equal amount of crazy on both sides. However, both sides manipulate the crazy regardless of where it comes from. If a single guy marches around the White House with a Confederate Flag, it will be shown over and over again on MSNBC as an example of how Republicans are courting racists. And if Al Sharpton shows up to serve Thanksgiving meals at a church, Fox News will show members of the New Black Panthers in front of that same church five years ago. No one puts anything in perspective. One guy with a Confederate flag is not a KKK rally and three black guys in berets and boots are not the Black Panthers of the 1960s and '70s.
    4:49pm (4 hours ago) · Like · 4

    Tucker Doubt:
Terry, I don't always agree with some of your posts, but I love and respect you, and You have the right to post what you like.
    5:07pm (4 hours ago) via mobile · Like · 1

    Barb Ackue:
I have NEVER been more glad that I wasn't on FB than I am at this moment. I spent my day with three precious little girls who were more concerned with their new fairy wings than anything else. We had a picnic, went to the playground and then to dance class. Stress free day. Deep, cleansing breaths, Terry. Love you!
    5:44pm (3 hours ago) via mobile · Like · 2

    Terry Torial Lol...Love you too, Barb!
    6:09pm (3 hours ago) ·

    Gene Jacket:
Agreed about the nuts... But nuts are not REPUBLICANS. As a republican leaned theologically and politically centered moderate I feel that is wrong to categorize a demonize ALL Republicans as I see some doing here. YES there are Republican nuts who demonize every Democrat and Democrat policy and in particular President Obama. But there are just as many democrats who have done the same to Republicans and Frmr President George W. Bush and all Republicans and Republican values. BOTH ARE WRONG IN SO DOING
    Are either of these men perfect or flawless? Of course not. They are human. and they hold/held the office because WE THE PEOPLE elected them both; not once but twice, so they both obviously spoke to some value in the American public.
    POINT BEING... demonizing accomplishes nothing. Yes there are extremists in both parties. Yes there are nuts on both sides. But i can tell you now that NEITHER extreme speaks to me nor FOR me. I dismiss it and ignore the drivel on BOTH sides. The hate turns me away from even considering what might be said of value.
    Both major news sources are full of baloney. I don't and won't watch them.
    And i dont care what anyone has to say on facebook about what they did or did not say.
    Its time for us to return to center. Its time to have respect.
    And most of all, instead of hate and lies and forwarding junk and crap DESIGNED TO TITILLATE, raise ire, make fun of or deride; WE who are PEOPLE OF FAITH need to PRAY for our nation... Our people... And our leaders.
    7:53pm (about an hour ago) via mobile · Like · 1

    Mary Christmas:
"Yes there are extremists in both parties."

    No, there aren't. The Democrats do a much better job of distancing themselves from the extemists in their party. I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican, BTW. The truth is that the Democrats are very centrist. There are not any far lefties involved in the Democratic Party these days. Just go to an Occupy Wall Street assembly and ask how many are Democrats.
    7:59pm (about an hour ago) ·

    Terry Torial:
Gene, that was very nice and mostly spot on, but I think we as Americans have a heavy responsibility to ourselves and this nation's children to call down the morons. We can't afford to ignore the disintegration of civility and the rise of extremism. The fear and disdain of "elites", education, knowledge and reason cannot be allowed to obscure the virtue and value of those essential elements of our national survival. Nationalism is not patriotism and ignorance is not just as good as intellect. The bar must be raised and qualification MUST mean something.
    8:06pm (about an hour ago) · Like · 1

    Terry Torial:
Btw, these people who hate and fear "elites" are the first to go to a DOCTOR when sick, a LAWYER when being sued and an ENGINEER when they want a skyscraper built. Why on earth would anyone with half a brain want to elect someone dumber than themselves to be a politician?
    8:21pm (about an hour ago) · Edited · Like · 2

    Gene Jacket:
You obviously dont know some of the democrats that i know.... The ones who accuse you of being a racist because you dont want to rehash the civil rights movement over and over again.... The ones who spout their so called tolerance and then tell you how evil and wrong you are if you have the audacity to disagree with them... And it is evident that the only thing they are tolerant of is people that think exactly as they think.
    That you have no right to feel marginalized because your personal outlook or value does not match the current social trend or because you happen to believe that your brand religion IS right and dont desire to have its practice compromised by anyone. Or that because of your value system you arent ready to be out there to jump into every protest for their justice or what they consider right. Yes there are dems who do this... Im not speaking of political officials but those who ally themselves with those party values. Yes there are extremist nuts out there on that end just like there are on the other end.
    8:26pm (58 minutes ago) via mobile · Like · 1

    Gene Jacket:
But where i dont agree either extreme... I agree with their right to believe what they believe... Even if i think its crazy.
    8:33pm (51 minutes ago) via mobile ·

    Terry Torial:
Ah, see we're talking about two different things. I'm talking about the quality of discourse and its lack of civility, not the ideology.
    8:35pm (49 minutes ago) · Edited ·

    Gene Jacket:
Yes i know Terry and you know i agree with you about that.
    I was addressing the demonizing of people who disagree with ones vslues... And that it occurs among dems and reps.... Coservatives and liberals alike.
    Another said that it doesnt ecist smong democrats to which i say baloney... Because i have experinced and have been st the receiving end of intolerance of their extremists
    8:39pm (45 minutes ago) via mobile · Edited ·

    Terry Torial:
Experiencing intolerance is something about which I am familiar. I feel your pain.
    8:40pm (44 minutes ago) · Like · 1

    Gene Jacket:
Because i am an evangelical Christian i am automatically labeled as a conservative, mysogenistic, white supremacist, gay hating, uneducated dolt in some quarters of the liberal camp.
    NONE of those labels fit me in any fashion
    8:44pm (40 minutes ago) via mobile · Like · 1

    Terry Torial:
I can attest to the truth of that.
    8:45pm (39 minutes ago) · Like · 1

    Gene Jacket:
Except my being a dolt... And i say that because i am doltish enough to believe that God's grace is for everyone and is bigger than one's ideals.
    8:48pm (35 minutes ago) via mobile · Edited · Like · 2

    Terry Torial
You are no dolt. You are a fine man, Gene. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know you at all.
    8:48pm (36 minutes ago) ·

    Gene Jacket:
Thank you Terry.
    8:49pm (35 minutes ago) via mobile ·

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